Closed Campus
- Please check-in and sign in/out with the front office
- Volunteers must get the volunteer handbook front office and fill out the application which includes a background check, and TB test
- Parent meetings/conferences will be held at a designated location
Dress Code
- Light Blue, Navy Blue, Royal Blue or White collared shirt
- Navy blue pants or jean, blue shorts, skirt, jumper, leggings or skort.
- Closed toe shoes-No Crocs
- No baggy or torn attire
- Dewey spirit shirts
- Cell Phones/Personal Property
- Dewey Elementary is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen personal property, including cell phones and smart watches. We also discourage students from bringing toys, personal items, objects of value, or large sums of money. These items cause a disruption and become a distraction to the instructional day.
- Cell phones and smart watches may not be used during the instructional day. The use of these devices includes making phone calls, receiving phone calls, vibrating or generating sounds, playing music or video, text messaging, accessing the internet, utilizing applications. checking time, capturing photographs or video, or using any other electronic function. If a cell phone creates a disturbance in class, or causes a disruption during school activities, it may be confiscated by school personnel. Parents are urged NOT to telephone or send text messages to students: all communication should be handled via the office.
Drop off and Pick up
- Drop off begins at 7:50 am. Please be on time to pick up your children from school.
- Park and Walk (preferred method)
- Park on one of the side streets (i.e., California, Walnut) and walk to and from school
- Drop off
- Pull up as far as you can on Dewey Ave. in the marked "Loading Zone"
- Students exit from the passenger side of the car
- Parents, please do not exit your cars.
- Students must cross the parking lot using the designated walk way.
Please note the parking lot is for employees or handicap parking only.
Restroom Etiquette
- ONLY 2 students allowed in the restroom at one time.
- Throw paper towels in the trash can, not the floor or in the toilet.
- Wash your hands carefully, do not drop water on the floor.
- Use towels to dry your hands, not to throw on the ceiling.
- ALWAYS flush the toilet.
- Restrooms are for restroom business only, it is not a socializing area.
- Do not bring writing implements into the restroom.
- Food is not allowed in the restroom.
- If you stay in afterschool programs, follow the same etiquette.
Cafeteria/Lunch Benches Rules
- Use inside voices
- Eat neatly
- When instructed as a table to throw your trash away
- Clean up around your area
- Walk and throw trash away in an orderly fashion.
- Know your lunch numbers
- Walk quietly to the playground
- Pick up your lunch (if delivered) from the lunch shelves outside the cafeteria
Rain/Inclement Weather
- On rainy or excessive heat days, recess & PE will be held indoors.
Playground Rules
- When playing on the swings, face towards the benches.
- You are allowed to swing for 30 seconds if a line exists. Students must count to 30. Each number is counted as the rider's feet swing upward until it is their turn.
- Stand on the designated line in front of the swings to wait your turn.
- While on the equipment, go up the stairs and down the slide only.
- Stay off the equipment when wet
- Walk on the blacktop
Playground Allowable Games
- Soccer on the field
- Hopscotch
- Tetherball
- Basketball
- Play equipment
- Handball
- Four Square
- Hula-hoop & Jump Rope
Birthday Celebrations
To reduce disruptions to learning, we ask you to follow Dewey's Birthday Policy
- All teachers celebrate birthdays once a month. Check with your teacher to see when the monthly celebration will be.
- Store-bought food items only
- Bring utensils, napkins and plates- these are not provided by the teacher.
- Celebrations are ONLY the last 15 minutes of the day the teacher has established for the month
- In order to volunteer you must have completed the volunteer requirements